If you need help finding the best drug and alcohol rehab, we are a call away.

Our experienced team knows the challenges of addiction firsthand. We'll guide you to the right treatment program based on your needs. We've been there, and we're here to help.

Call center representative smiling


Treatment Today's team of dedicated recovery experts, is here to support you in this initial stride, connecting you with treatment programs that prioritize personalized, client-centric recovery plans and provide on-site clinical and medical assistance. With all the treatment programs we endorse being operated by our affiliated treatment centers, you can be assured of receiving top-quality care in a safe and welcoming environment.

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Our Treatment Programs

We offer a variety of treatment options designed to cater to your specific needs, ensuring that you make the right choice.

Detoxification (Detox)

Detox, your initial and crucial step towards sobriety, includes clinically supervised care with continuous medical oversight and a comprehensive assessment by an addiction recovery specialist.

Residential Treatment

Similar to detox, residential treatment is a fundamental component of your journey to sobriety. It includes clinically supervised detox with round-the-clock medical support and a thorough evaluation by an addiction recovery specialist.

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP)

Our Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP) is tailored for individuals who require ongoing support in their recovery journey, especially if they have already completed detox and a residential program. These programs meet weekly and emphasize both group and individual therapy.

Relapse Prevention

Transitioning from active treatment to long-term recovery can be challenging, with the risk of relapse ever-present. That's why our treatment program offers a relapse prevention plan for program graduates as they reintegrate into their daily lives.

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Detoxification (Detox):

Detox, your initial and crucial step towards sobriety, includes clinically supervised care with continuous medical oversight and a comprehensive assessment by an addiction recovery specialist.

treatment today residential treatment icon

Residential Treatment:

Similar to detox, residential treatment is a fundamental component of your journey to sobriety. It includes clinically supervised detox with round-the-clock medical support and a thorough evaluation by an addiction recovery specialist.

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Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP):

Our Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP) is tailored for individuals who require ongoing support in their recovery journey, especially if they have already completed detox and a residential program. These programs meet weekly and emphasize both group and individual therapy.

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Relapse Prevention:

Transitioning from active treatment to long-term recovery can be challenging, with the risk of relapse ever-present. That's why our treatment program offers a relapse prevention plan for program graduates as they reintegrate into their daily lives.

Calls to our general helpline will be answered by Treatment Today, a Boca Recovery Center Company. Information provided is for internal use only and not shared or distributed in any manner.

Our Treatment Specialist work solely for Boca Recovery Center and will discuss whether Boca Recovery Center facilities are an option for you.

Our helpline is offered at no cost to you and with no obligation to enter into treatment. Boca Recovery Center does not provide referrals nor receive any commission or other fee that is dependent upon which treatment a visitor may ultimately choose.

If you wish to explore additional treatment visit https://www.samhsa.gov/.